Инструкция по применению

Для специалистов здравоохранения

Indications of Enterosgel®

In adults and children as a detoxifying agent:
acute and chronic intoxication of various origins;
acute poisoning with potent and poisonous substances (including drugs, alcohol, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals);
acute intestinal infections of any genesis as part of complex therapy (including toxicoinfections, salmonellosis, dysentery, diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious origin, dysbacteriosis);
purulent-septic diseases accompanied by marked intoxication, as part of a complex therapy;
food and drug allergies;
hyperbilirubinemia (viral hepatitis);
hyperazotemia (chronic renal failure);
prevention of chronic intoxication in workers in harmful industries (occupational intoxication with chemical agents of polytropic action, xenobiotics, incorporated radionuclides, compounds of lead, mercury, arsenic, petroleum products, organic solvents, nitrogen oxides, carbon, fluorides, salts of heavy metals).

Dosage mode

Enterosgel® is taken orally 1-2 hours before or after a meal or after taking other medicines, drinking water.

It is recommended to mix the required amount of the drug in a glass in triple volume of water at room temperature or take orally, drinking water.

Adults - 15-22.5 g (1-1.5 tablespoon) 3 times/day. Daily dose - 45-67.5 g.
Children aged 5 to 14 years - 15 g (1 tablespoon) 3 times / day. Daily dose - 45 g.
Children under 5 years of age - 7.5 g (0.5 tablespoon) 3 times / day. Daily dose - 22.5 g.
In infants it is recommended to mix 2.5 g (0.5 teaspoon) of the drug in triple volume of breast milk or water and give before each feeding - 6 times/day.

For the prevention of chronic intoxication - 22.5 g 2 times / day for 7-10 days monthly.
In severe intoxication during the first 3 days, the dose of the drug can be doubled.

Duration of treatment in acute poisoning is 3-5 days, in chronic intoxication and allergic conditions - 2-3 weeks. Repeated course on the recommendation of a doctor.